Rock Garden Weed Grass Burner

$140 obo


In excellent condition, with torch, regulator and 15-20 ft. hose. God

Wanted: Dodge/chev 17 in x 8 stud rims up to 2011, Looking for wild meat, old postage

stamps, old envelopes, postcards, 1973 - 1979 ford pickup / crew cab or parts of, old fishing stuff

for restoration, old rusty tools for restoration, old lincoln gas welder or parts of.

778 256 9558

Posted City: Fort St. John
Posted: 10/14/2022
Expires: 10/21/2022
Ad ID: 726407
Ad View: 758

ad poster

Posted by: Bill E.
Registered City: Fort St. John, BC
Member Since: 2007
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