Great Pyrenees

$50 obo


Do you have land and want to stop strangers/coyotes/bears from coming onto your property?
Captain might just be the one for the job.
He’s 5years old, neutered, non destructive, and would rather be outside making sure all your belongings stay your belongings. He seems to be fine with horses but has limited experience with them. As far as I’m aware he hasn’t been around children or poultry.

He is dog selective and doesn’t like strange people but once introduced he’s a softly.
We have been fostering him for almost a year but we are renovating our house in town and he is definitely not town dog.
His work ethic is phenomenal and he’s looking for a job ASAP

Posted City: Fort St. John
Posted: 12/02/2024
Expires: 02/01/2025
Ad ID: 750069
Ad View: 315

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Posted by: Ross O.
Registered City: Fort St. John, BC
Member Since: 2024
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