Custom 6.5prc Package

$1,234 obo


F class Kelby’s Nanook action
1-8 twist Wilson 22” fluted barrel
Wild Cat stock
Brownells magazine box
Leica Amplus6 3-18x44i scope
MTD rings
Very light weight set up would make a great gun for sheep hunting
Has 30 rounds fired on set up. Sold with load data and chart to 1000yrds
Comes with 50 ADG brass 40 loaded Berger 156gr @ 2967 FPS
Package price was $8,235
Open to offers or trades
Will sell without scope

Posted City: Fort St. John
Posted: 12/05/2024
Expires: 01/04/2025
Ad ID: 750113
Ad View: 1001

ad poster

Posted by: Clayton Kvikstad
Registered City: Fort St. John, BC
Member Since: 2009
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