Rmr 65x284

$4,500 firm


Custom RMR 65x284 defiance action
26” heart barrel with spiral fluting
Comes with 2 stocks Mcmillan stock & thumbhole stock
Jewel trigger
Muzzle break and cap
Leupold Mark 4 scope TMR reticle with Talley rings
Comes with new Norma brass and used Lapua brass. Loaded rounds aswell
Comes with custom 3 piece redding dies and bushing dies
Have all loading info and gun is ready to go
Very accurate and reliable
Chasing another build I want so selling some guns I never use.
Possible trades plus cash, open to offers
Would sell without scope if needed

Posted City: Fort St. John
Posted: 12/05/2024
Expires: 01/04/2025
Ad ID: 750116
Ad View: 292

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Posted by: Clayton Kvikstad
Registered City: Fort St. John, BC
Member Since: 2009
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