Ruger American 65cm

$775 obo


Have a ruger american in Go wild camo edition with pic rail for optic and forend pic rail for bipod.
Can come with CF cadwell bipod for and extra value)
New $900+ after taxes.
Only shot about 200 rds through it.
Takes AICS Mags.
Chambered in Creedmoor
20inch barrel including chamber. Abour 18in in bullet lands
Great shooter loves all kinds of ammo. Fedral fusions 140gr took a bear with 3 seasons ago.
Comes with factory radial break
Factory 3rd mag and 10rd mag.
Valid PAL required
Asking. 775 obo
Text 2507939426

Posted City: Fort St. John
Posted: 01/29/2025
Expires: 03/03/2025
Ad ID: 750743
Ad View: 178

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Posted by: Neal Coles
Registered City: Fort St. John, BC
Member Since: 2019
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