Fort St. John Alliance Church
9804 - 99 Avenue,
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5A5
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5A5
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Together we are a church that is rooted and reaching. We are growing to maturity in Chirst through meaningful relationships. Beleiving every person matters, we engage with Jesus on mission.
At FSJAC we have an intentional process of discipleship, which is a non-linear process to guide us to maturity in Christ. We invite you to prayerfully consider what your next step might be in your walk and connect with the appropriate vehicle to help you grow in relationship with Him.
We look forward to growing together!
9804 - 99 Avenue,
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5A5
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5A5