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- Health / Fort St. John & District Palliative Care Society

Fort St. John, BC
V1J 2R3
To enhance the quality of life and death of persons facing death and bereavement through skilled and compassionate physical, social, emotional and spiritual care.
The Fort St. John and District Palliative Care Society Believes that:
Dying and grieving are natural to life.
The client and family is the unit of care ("family" is understood to include significant others as defined by the client).
It is the right of all persons facing death and bereavement to maintain individuality and dignity.
It is the right of the individual to know and discuss, in whatever terms they wish, the extent of the disease and implications.
It is the right of the individual and the family to be involved, according to ability, in the planning and choice of care.
It is the right of all persons facing death and bereavement to receive consistent physical, social, emotional and spiritual support.
Effective care must be coordinated and consistent, reflecting a common philosophy.
It is essential that palliative caregivers have a commitment to professional and personal growth.
Goals and Objectives:
To provide supportive, compassionate care to people with a life-threatening illness, their family and friends.
To promote recognized standards for palliative care.
To develop community awareness.
To work with existing agencies to provide coordinated care.
To train volunteer companions to provide services to those in need.
The Fort St. John & District Palliative Care Society is a non-profit society incorporated in March 1997 (Number S-36625). No salaries or honorariums are paid to any members or volunteers within the society. The society relies primarily on the community for support. Community, personal donations and government grants provide funding. Funds received pay for education, training, resource material and operating costs. Income tax receipts are provided.
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 2R3