North Peace Mb Church
10816 106 Street,
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5V2
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5V2
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North Peace MB Church exists to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire to be a multiplying church willing to do anything for the sake of the gospel. As a church we aren't interested in building our kingdom. Instead, we want to multiply in order to build the kingdom of God. We do this in a few different ways:
1. We desire to multiply through our life groups.
2. We desire to multiply by having multiple services.
3. We desire to multiply by planting churches.
4. We desire to multiply by sending missionaries.
We would love to have you join our family! We gather Sundays at 9am and 11am.
10816 106 Street,
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5V2
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 5V2